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Anatomy of human liver

It is the largest of viscera of humanbody
Human liver consists of about 2.5% of body weight
Liver is completely covered by Glisson’s Capsule and incompletely by the peritoneum.
Measurements of human liver are the following
21 – 23 cm transversely
15 – 18 cm superior to inferior
10 – 13 cm anterior to posterior
Location of liver
Located in the right hypochondrium and the epigastrium.It is mostly covered by ribs.It Contains numerous vascular structures
Detailed Anatomy
Liver has four lobes.Divisions are based on blood supply anb bile drainage.Anatomical lobes are divided by falciform ligament. Functional Lobes the right and left lobes separated by imaginary line from fossa for Gall bladder to IVC .Right lobe contains caudate process and left contains Caudate lobe and Quadrate lobe
Fissures of liver
Right sagittal (main)
Left sagittal (accessory)
Right oblique intersegmental
Lateral intersegmental
Main lobar fissure is located in the boundary between right and leftlobes. In ultrasound scan it is seen as hyperechoic line from Portal vein to neck of Gall bladder.It is used to identify GB when it is packed with stones
Portal fissure
Portal fissure is created by portal veins (triads)
Segments of the Liver
Hepatic segments
I = caudate lobe
II & III = superior and inferior lateral segments, Left lobe
IV = medial segment, Left lobe
V & VI = caudal to transverse plane
VII & VIII = cephalad to transverse plane  
Fossae (Superficial) or the following are seen
IVC – posterior
Portal Vein – inferior
Gallbladder – inferior
Falciform is the most superficial ligament anteriorly.It divides left lobe into two sections
anatomical left lobe 
Caudate & quadrate lobes
Ligamentum teres hepatis 
Ligamentum venosum 
Right/Left Coronary Ligaments      
Hepatophrenic & Hepatorenal  ligaments are subdivisions of right coronary ligament hepatophrenic ligament is superior and hepatorenal.