- Abdominal girth should be measured at the level of umbilicus.
- Periodic measurement is done to assess prognosis in ascites, paralytic ileus.
- Measure the distance between lower end of xiphisternum to umbilicus and from umbilicus to symphysis pubis. Normally umbilicus is in mid position, it is displaced down in ascites, upper abdominal mass, displaced upwards in ovarian or pelvic tumors
- Spinoumbilical measurement - It is the distance between umbilicus and anterior superior iliac spines. Normally they are equidistant. Shift of umbilicus to one side will occur in case of tumors that originating from the other side of the abdomen.
Measurements of abdomen
What is See-Saw Nystagmus?
What is See-Saw Nystagmus?
In see-saw nystagmus one eye moves up + intorts & other eye moves down +extorts
Torsional component is conjugate
Vertical component is dysconjugate
1. Wave form is pendular or jerk
What are the types of See-Saw Nystagmus?
Pendular see-saw nystagmus
Seen in
- Suprasellar lesion
- Visual loss
- Joubert's syndrome
Jerk see-saw nystagmus: (Hemi see-saw nystagmus)
Half cycle is pendular with corrective half cycle jerky
Seen in
- lesions of INC (caudal thalamus-rostral midbrain)
See-Saw Nystagmus Pathogenesis:
Unilateral inactivation of INC
Sparing of riMLF
- Bitemporal hemianopia.
- Visual loss-visuo-vestibular fibres
- Chiasmal miswiring
Reference Notes
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
- Acquired Pendular nystagmus can be seen in the following conditions
- Oculo-palatal myoclonus
- See-saw nystagmus
- Oculomasticatory myorhythmia
- Visual loss
- Spasmus nutans
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus?
Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus is characterised by rapid convergence with synchronous
retraction of both globes slow divergence.
It is due simultaneous contraction of all EOM
This is best detected by:
- Looking up
What is the site of lesion in convergence retraction nystagmus
Dorsal midbrain
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus ,nystagmus is different in both eyes
INO (Internuclear ophthalmoplegia)
Ipsilateral adduction deficit with contralateral abduction nystagmus
Vertical nystagmus can occur in INO
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
Rebound nystagmus is a Gaze evoked nystagmus reverses direction in the eccentric gaze.
- In Primary position - No nystagmus
- Lateral gaze - Initiates nystagmus
On return from lateral gaze, nystagmus reverses direction.
Occasionally reverses direction while maintaining prolonged lateral gaze.
What are the causes of Rebound nystagmus?
It is seen in
- Cerebellar disorder
- Medullary lesion
- Lesions of NPH
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
It is seen in large CP angle tumours
Following are the components of Bruns nystagmus.
Contralateral high frequency / low amplitude nystagmus
This is due to Peripheral vestibular affection
Ipsilateral high amplitude nystagmus
This is due to affection of neural integrator from brain stem compression
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Gaze holding helps to maintain eye in the eccentric eye position.
This is done with the help of the Pulse-step innervation
When the eye moves towards the corner and if the neural integrator is
perfect the viscous drag is overcome by the pulse and made to stay in the
extremes of gaze by the step.
And if the neural integrator is leaky eye moves and from there due to
leaky potential it moves
towards the central.
What are
the causes of Gaze evoked nystagmus ?
1. Due to
leaky neural integrator
Lesion of Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi/ Medial Vestibular Nuclei
- Horizontal gaze evoked nystagmus
- Direction changing nystagmus
- Fast component is the direction of fixation
Bilateral lesion of INC
- Impaired vertical gaze holding
2. Lesions
of vestibulo-cerebellum
What are the types of Gaze evoked nystagmus?
- Symmetrical gaze evoked nystagmus
Anticonvulsants, particularly phenytoin and phenobarbitone, and
ingestion of psychotropic drugs and alcohol.
- Asymmetrical gaze evoked nystagmus
Affecting the brain stem /flocculonodular lobe
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Down-beat nystagmus is a central vestibular disorders -Pitch plane disorder.
It is a Jerk nystagmus with fast phase downwards.
Most prominent on looking down & out.
What is the site of lesion in downbeat nystagmus?
Site of lesion in down gaze nystagmus is disruption of posterior SCC projections secondary to Lesions
in the floor of fourth ventricle.
- Bilateral lesions of the flocculi
What are the causes of Downbeat nystagmus?
- Lesions of cervico-medullary
junction - ACM.
- Lesions of flocculus,
paraflocculus, nodule, uvula & medulla.
- Spinocerebellar ataxia.
- Metabolic causes.
Wernicke's encephalopathy.
Deficiency of magnesium, thiamine, Vit B12.
- Toxic.
Lithium, Phenytoin, CBZ, morphine, amiodarone.
Alcohol intoxication.
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
Upgaze nystagmus is a Central vestibular disorders -Pitch plane disorder
- Nystagmus with fast phase upwards in primary position it worsens on upward gaze
Where is the site of lesion?
- The site of lesion is Tegmentum of the pontomesencephalic region (either the SCP orVTT)
SCP - superior cerebellar peduncle or VTT - vestibulotegmental tract.
- Pontomedullary junction (NPH)
What are the causes of Upbeat nystagmus ?
- CVD, MS.
- Cerebellar degeneration.
- Wernicke's encephalopathy
- Encephalitis
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Nystagmus is a Disorder of ocular posture / mechanisms that maintain steady fixation.
The Basic pathology is the abnormality in gaze stabilizing mechanism
There are three main mechanism which will maintain the image of the object steady on the retina
and preserve the visual acuity they are
- Visual Fixation mechanism
- Vestibulo-ocular reflex
- Gaze Holding mechanism
Any abnormality will lead to disorder of slow eye movement resulting in Nystagmus
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief