What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
- Acquired Pendular nystagmus can be seen in the following conditions
- Oculo-palatal myoclonus
- See-saw nystagmus
- Oculomasticatory myorhythmia
- Visual loss
- Spasmus nutans
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief