Examination of hand reveals specific features of systemic
- Cold clammy hand with peripheral cyanosis indicate shock
- Cold moist hand in anxiety state
- Cold dry hand is a feature of myxedema
- Warm moist hand seen in thyrotoxicosis
- Pallor of palmar crease observed in anemia
- Wasting and fasciculation of hand muscles- is seen MND, syringomyelia
- Myotonic disorders can be associated with slow relaxation on shaking hand
- Cyanosis and clubbing together-Cyanotic CHD, ILD
- Nail-fold infarct and telangiectasia are seen in vasculitis. SLE, PAN, PSS
- Osier's node, splinter hemorrhage, Janeway suggestive of infective endocarditis
- Pigmentation is a feature of Addison's disease, megaloblastic anemia
- Arachnodactyly is a feature of Marfan's syndrome
- Deformed hand diagnostic of rheumatoid arthritis
- Sclerodactyly in PSS, MCTD
- Heberden's node are characteristic of osteoarthritis
- Clawing of hand in ulnar and median nerve lesion
- Dupyutren's contracture a feature of alcoholic liver disease, trauma
- Gottron's papule is seen in dermatomyositis
- Large spade hand in acromegaly
- Short 4th metacarpal- pseuda-hypopara thyroidismdism, reverse Marfan's syndrome (Weil-Marchesani syndrome) and Turner's syndrome
- Long thumb-fingerization-Holt-Oram syndrome.