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Ataxic Gait (Cerebellar Lesion)
This gait is also called as reeling. staggering. drunken gait
This type of gait is seen in patients with cerebellar lesion
and alcohol intoxication
The patient is ataxic and reels in any direction, including backwards
and walks on a broad base.
The unsteady feet are planted widely apart and placed
The steps are uncertain, some are shorter and some are
longer than Intended, and the patient tends to fall or deviate to the side of
cerebellar lesion.
The ataxia is equally severe whether the eyes are open or
The patient finds difficulty in executing tandem walking.
Gait ataxia is seen in lesion of upper vermis and anterior
lobe of cerebellum
Titubant ataxia - ataxic gait with vertical oscillation of
head and trunk.