Clinical features of cyanotic heart disease depends on whether the lesion is associated with
increased or decreased pulmonary blood flow.
Features of Cyanotic heart disease with increased pulmonary blood flow
- Patient is mildly cyanotic
- Increased sweating is seen
- Congestive cardiac failure is common
- Failure to thrive occurs
- Plethoric lung fields and cardiomegaly is seen in chest x-ray
- Examples are TGA, single ventricle, TA, Total anomalous pulmonary return w/o obstruction
- Moderate to severe cyanosis is seen.
- ESM, delayed and diminished P2 (PS) is heard
- In Pulmonary hypertension ,accentuated & palpable P2,ESM is heard.
- Oligemic lung fields on chest xray
- Examples are TOF, PA, TA, total anomalous pulmonary. return w/ obstruction