Gaze holding helps to maintain eye in the eccentric eye position.
This is done with the help of the Pulse-step innervation
When the eye moves towards the corner and if the neural integrator is
perfect the viscous drag is overcome by the pulse and made to stay in the
extremes of gaze by the step.
And if the neural integrator is leaky eye moves and from there due to
leaky potential it moves
towards the central.
What are
the causes of Gaze evoked nystagmus ?
1. Due to
leaky neural integrator
Lesion of Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi/ Medial Vestibular Nuclei
- Horizontal gaze evoked nystagmus
- Direction changing nystagmus
- Fast component is the direction of fixation
Bilateral lesion of INC
- Impaired vertical gaze holding
2. Lesions
of vestibulo-cerebellum
What are the types of Gaze evoked nystagmus?
- Symmetrical gaze evoked nystagmus
Anticonvulsants, particularly phenytoin and phenobarbitone, and
ingestion of psychotropic drugs and alcohol.
- Asymmetrical gaze evoked nystagmus
Affecting the brain stem /flocculonodular lobe
Reference Notes
What is See-Saw Nystagmus ?
What are the causes of Acquired Pendular nystagmus ?
What is Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus ?
Dissociated Jerk Nystagmus and causes
What is Rebound nystagmus and its causes?
What is Bruns's nystagmus?
What is Gaze evoked nystagmus?
Down-beat nystagmus and its causes
Upbeat nystagmus and its causes
What is the basic Pathophysiology of Nystagmus
Alexanders law in Nystagmus - A brief