Tall stature is defined as the height of the person more than 97th percentile of normal population of same age and sex.
Common causes for tall stature are the following
- Constitutional
- Racial
- Marfan's syndrome
- Gigantism and acromegaly
- Disorder of amino acid metabolism
- Supermales (XYY) and superfemales (XXX).
Upper segment to lower segment ratio of our body is approximately
1.7:1 at birth
By the age of 10 years the ratio becomes I : I
it is approximately 0 .8: 1 in adulis
This is beause the legs grow more rapidly than the trunk
Tall stature is classified as proportionate and disproportionate according to the uppersegment and lower segment ratio
1.Upper segment = Lower segment is seen in proportionate tall stature:
- Constitutional, and
- Pituitary causes.
- Marfan's syndrome.
- Klinefelter’s syndrome,
- Hypogonadism
- Homocyslinuria.
- Precocious puberty.
- Adrenal cortical tumour.
Accident proneness, isolated signs of virilism' s, signs of early puberty and rarely symptoms of hvperthyroidism
You should always examine the testis, palate (high-arched), spine and CVS (for Aortic regurgitation) in tall stature