Following are the difference between conjugated and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Unconjugated conjugated
Water solubility 0 +
Affinity for lipids + 0
Renal excretion 0 +
Van den Bergh reaction Indirect Direct
Fractions of normal bilirubin
Normal serum bilirubin level is 0.3-1.0 mg/dl.
Conjugated fraction is 0.1-0.3 mg/dl and
Unconjugated fraction is 0.2-0.7 mg/dl.
What are the conditions which produce predominantly conjugated and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia?
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia is said to occur with > 50% conjugated fraction of bilirubin is conjugated
Causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- Viral or drug-induced hepatitis.
- Drug-induced cholestasis.
- Cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy.
- Cirrhosis of liver.
- Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
- Rotor syndrome.
- Secondary carcinoma of liver.
Unconjugated hyperbitirubinaemia is said to occur when the unconjugated fraction is > 80%
Causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- Haemolysis.
- Ineffective erythropoiesis.
- Prolonged fasting (<300 cal/day).
- Gilbert's syndrome and rarely Crigler-NaJ|ar syndrome
- Neonatal jaundice.