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What is dipping method?
It is done to palpate viscera in the presence of fluid in peritoneum.
Preliminary preparations of the patient are the same as done during palpation of liver.
It is better to start palpation from right iliac fossa lor dipping method.
Place the palpating right hand over the abdomen and then tap the abdomen shaply and quickly.
The sudden and rapid displacement of liquid will give a tapping sensation over the surface of the enlarged liver or spleen that is comparable to patellar tap
The sudden thrust displaces the liquid and the displaced liquid pushes ihc organ forward towards the palpating lingers.
Many a time the full description of an organ is not possible by dipping method such as palpable or not. tender or non-tender, small or big lump.
While palpating the spleen by dipping method, it is better to place the left palm over the left costal margin as done in the conventional method.