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Anemia of chronic renal failure
Anemia of chronic renal failure is normocytic
normochromic, hypoproliferative anemia
The level of anemia correlates with the severity of underlying
renal failure
The anemia is primarily due to a failure to produce adequate
level of Erythropoetin and a reduction in red cell survival.
Patients usually present with normal serum iron, TIBC &
ferritin levels
Erythropetin therapy is the mainstay of treatmentto improves
anemia symptoms
Dialysis typically has little effect with regard to
correcting the anemia.
Peritoneal dialysis (ambulatory) usually improves anemia
while hemodialysis may cause an associated iron deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia may however be seen in some patients
with CRF who are maintained on chronic hemodialysis due to loss through the
dialysis procedure.