To delineate the upper border of liver dullness, you should percuss the anterior chest wall along right MCL from above downwards. Normally the upper border of liver dullness is present in right 5th ICS at MCL
Lowered or obliterated of liver dullness is noted in
midaxillary and scapular line respectively.
Lowered or obliterated of liver dullness is noted in
- Emphysema.
- Pneumothorax (right sided).
- Perforation of abdominal hollow vtscus e.g. perforation of peptic ulcer.
- Cirrhosis of liver (liver becomes small).
- Visceroptosis of liver.
- Amoebic or pyogenic liver abscess.
- Subdiaphragmatie abscess (right).
- Pleural effusion (right).
- Basal pneumonia (right).
- Increased intraabdominal tension due to ascites or pregnancy.
midaxillary and scapular line respectively.